Ext: The town of Threshold
A busy town market |
After disembarking from the boat the party sought out a tavern. Stephan had been in town many years before and had stayed at on called The Mid Inn, which proved to not be very popular but served surprisingly excellent food.
The next day the party headed off to get supplies. First, Ham and Xianti went into a money changers to sell the jewels and gems they had found, and buy some diamonds for spell components. The others went to explore the market.
Upon leaving the money changers Ham and Xianti were accosted by a group of guards and told to go with them to a local magistrate.
Meanwhile, Rosy was dancing by some musicians and Rurik had found himself talking to a fortune teller. Convinced she was the real deal, he agreed to pay for a reading. The 1st card he drew was of a mermaid leaping from the water which the teller interpreted as representing him leaving the mines to become a Druid. The second card revealed an undead creature emerging from a coffin, which represented his current life.
An uncanny portent |
The final card represented a strange creature, presumably representing something to be met in the future.
Meanwhile, Namfoodle had noticed the others going with the guards and attempted to find out what was going on and the went to fetch Rosie in case there was trouble.
Meanwhile the magistrate was interrogating Ham and Xianti in his office wanting to understand where they had got hold of some ingots marked with a manacle symbol. He was somewhat dubious about their story of rescuing prisoners but warned them that the symbol was associated with a group of slavers called The Iron Ring. As the pair could give little information about them, the magistrate sent them on their way warning that these were very dangerous adversaries and that he didn’t want any trouble in his town.
Outside the party regrouped and were approached by a young mother named Mary asking for help because her house was haunted. The party agreed to help (after checking with a nearby guard that this would not cause trouble) and headed off to the west side of town to the house.
Xianti and Rurik entered the upstairs floor first while Namfoodle was looking for signs of rats outside. Rurik was then hit by a rapidly moving bed and it seemed rats were not the culprits. The other began searching upstairs while Xianti went downstairs and found a hidden trapdoor to a cellar.
After letting the others know what she had found she went down the stairs into the cellar but tripped on a rotten stair and fell down. Ham leapt downstairs and Rurik carefully followed.
Unbeknownst to the others at the point Ham got possessed by a spirit and began untying his peace bonded sword. Xianti spotted a dagger on the floor and went to pick it up. Finally noticing Ham was possessed she cast Hold Person on him forcing the ghost to leave Ham. A short combat followed and the ghost was defeated. Within a hidden hollow a coffin was found with a dedicated corpse and several books. The scene was unnervingly similar to the card seen by Rurik earlier.
The grateful Mary went off to get a priest to sort out a proper burial for the corpse before letting the players keep the books and dagger as a reward.
DM notes: so this week I decided to put a load of minis on a board and see who they interacted with, with interesting results.
The fortune tellers cards were Everway Vision Cards. I genuinely didn’t know which ones (if any would get picked)…
And the haunted house, yes, it was the haunted house speed run.