Saturday 13 July 2024

NDT session 4 - Stuck in the middle with you

 Thaumont 8th Late at night, Sukiskyn, The Dymrak forest

Some time after 11, the goblins went quiet again.

This time a group of goblins were spotted to the north failing to sneak quietly towards the homestead. Some of these were entangled but a second larger group with a couple of wolf-riders (Wolf-skulls) also emerged from the woods.

The first group (Red-blades) ran to the broken palisade and started firing slings whilst the second lot went to the damaged barn.

Aiamiir decided he wanted to engage the goblins in melee and ran from the top of the tower towards the kitchen door, much to the disbelief of Pyotr's family. The rest of the defenders began picking off the goblins they could see.

The Wolf-skull goblins emerged from the barn and also ran towards the kitchen door looking to break it down. However, a Spike-growth spell from Kuzma and another Moonbeam from Rurik effectively finished them off before they could do any damage or Aiamiir could get the door open.

The remaining goblins and worgs retreated to the woods to plan their next move.

Night's dark terror battle-map and goblin miniatures
The goblins mass before the kitchen door, big mistake

In the homestead any relief was short-lived when Darya noticed that Matvey (her youngest son), had gone missing...

DM notes:

Snake's action from a couple of sessions ago had saved the gatehouse so I had to have the Wolf-Skulls cross the river in the woods and attack from the north.

I had decided that Kuzma and Irina were clerics of Zirchev so were nature domain clerics. I hadn't realised quite how powerful Spike-Growth was, particularly in this situation. 

NDT Session 13: I pity the thouls

  Wolfskull lair The fight continued. The goblin king hacked at Rurik’s giant snake form causing him to revert to his usual dwarfish self an...