Saturday, 8 March 2025

NDT Session 32: Temple of Boom

 Ext. Lost valley of Hutaaka

The party decided they couldn’t trust either the Traldar or the Hutaakans so spent the night travelling back to the temple to stop the undead.

Whilst they were resting outside a group of Traldar arrived and after some discussion informed the PCs they would need to collect some water from a ‘singing pool’ to pour into a bowl on the alter to stop the undead.

The group sped off to the pool, and after a brief fight with some arachnids, collected some water and headed back.

The next day they approached the temple. After breaking down the main doors they found a vestibule full of skeletons and zombies. These were swiftly dispatched by a Namfoodle and the group could enter the main part of the temple. The most striking sight was a large pit surrounded by flames. 

The group prepared to explore


Saturday, 1 March 2025

NDT session 31: Are you the bad guys?

 Ext Lost Valley of Hutaaka

We had left things with the party being accused of murdering some men. The party quickly pointed out the evidence that suggested others were involved so the lizard riders determined that they had been killed by “The Mutts” and asked the party to help track them down.

The party, believing the attackers to be gnolls readily agreed and followed some tracks that led towards the attackers, who were revealed to be jackal headed men not gnolls after all. Despite this the party aided the humans (who called themselves the Traldar) to rapidly defeat their enemies.

The party then accompanied the Traldar back to their village (Ronkan). The Traldar leader told them a tale of how the had been enslaved by the ‘Mutts’ (or less offensively The Hutaakan) but had risen up so the Hutaakan’s had released a load of undead and worse to attack them.

Overnight the village was attacked by undead and a number of corpses were cremated in the morning.

Later some scouts returned reporting that the Hutaakan priests were preparing a ritual that night… possibly to summon more undead. As the Traldar were afraid of the dark they asked the PCs for help offering some gems for payment.

By the time the party arrived it was already dark and they were surprised to see the Hutaakan’s fighting off some undead. They decided to talk to them and were told a different story - the Traldar were ‘Wreckers’ who had rejected the Hutaakan’s benevolent rule and had more recently managed to drive the Hutaakan’s from their temple, which had caused the plague of undead. 

They said the ceremony they were performing was meant to stop the undead and they would discuss things further when it was completed. However, the party’s interest was piqued as they thought the temple may be where there was treasure to be found.


NDT Session 32: Temple of Boom

 Ext. Lost valley of Hutaaka The party decided they couldn’t trust either the Traldar or the Hutaakans so spent the night travelling back to...