Saturday, 27 January 2024

2023 and the Year Ahead

A somewhat late retrospective

2023 saw the continuation of our long-running Space 1889 campaign using the Hero rule system. Our plans continue to thwart the evil masters of Mars from invading Earth by… erm... invading Mars plus various shenanigans involving nuclear reactors in Africa. This campaign has been running since 2015 but moved online when COVID struck.

I also play Doctor Who with this group – the continuing adventures through the time streams of The Custodian, his Office, a cat and a bunch of motley companions.

For the first half of the year, I also played with another group online. We played though the The One Ring Starter set and some of The Children of Fear for Call of Cthulhu. Both are highly recommended by me.

Sadly, circumstances meant that I had to stop playing with that group but on the upside, I was able to rejoin another group where we play face-to-face.  So, I’m currently playing a monk in the Curse of Strahd.

Plans for the year ahead

Doctor Who and Space 1889 continue. That group is going o try playing D&D face-to-face as well (we are spread across the south coast now) but unfortunately, I won’t be able to join them for now.

Hopefully, we should deal with Strahd soon (or he’ll deal with us) so we will move onto something else. There was not much enthusiasm for anything too different, so I have offered to run a 5e campaign. However, I would be converting the old Basic/Expert adventure Night’s Dark Terror. I intend to post more about this. Alternatively, someone else has offered to run Pathfinder.

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