Monday, 10 June 2024

Night's Dark Terror, Session 0

You've not been in Kelven before a red-haired man approaches you with an offer of work...

So my group started rolling up PCs. Unless things change we've got 2 gnomes (rogue and wizard), a half-elf Hexblade from Glantri, a Dwarf Druid, a Gold Dragonborn Ranger (easily explained by Mystaran Gold Dragon's polymorph ability) and Yuan-ti cleric from the Serpent Penninsula...

I've given the group some background on Karameikos. I've decided to set it sometime around 980 so I can ignore all the gazetteer stuff I don't like. We all had a good laugh at the city of Specularum...

I've decided to give some extra incentives to the group beyond "I'll give you 100gp if you shift some horses". They've also been offered the use of Sukiskyn as a base of operations to complete their various tasks before heading off to Rifllian.

The Yuan-ti player suggested that they had been captured by slavers as an explanation for why they are so far from home. The half-elf has a bounty hunter background, so I've suggested that they've heard rumours of slavers in Karameikos but have lost the trail in Kelven.

The gnomes have something to deliver to some fellow clan members who have recently started a new mine.

There may also be rumours of an evil presence in the forest and on the moors that the ranger and druid may wish to investigate.

Next session: A river cruise

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