Saturday, 21 December 2024

NDT session 21: You’ve finally made a baboon out of me

 Ext: Xitaqa.

Featuring: Bait, Glimmer, Rurik and Namfoodle

The group has arrived at the ancient ruined town of Xitaqa with old buildings built into the walls of the gulleys and a large tower visible.

They decided to enter the first building they came across. This was the home of some angry baboons upset by the intruders. The party opted to fight, suffering a couple of wounds and slaying 3 monkeys before deciding it was a rather pointless fight and leaving.

As the moved a little further on the heard some footsteps approaching and attempted to hide. Unfortunately, they were spotted a by a group of hobgoblins accompanied by some trained baboons.

Confident that his new half-plate and a sanctuary spell would protect him, Bait moved forward to draw the baboon attacks. Unfortunately, some lucky strikes from the baboons quickly brought him down. 

The others suffered damage from the hobgoblin’s crossbows as they closed in. 

A rather chaotic fight followed as attempts were made to save Bait and fight the baboons and hobgoblins. Eventually sheer weight of numbers threatened to overwhelm the other. Namfoodle began retreating first, followed by a badly wounded Rurik. Glimmer decided to valiantly/suicidally cover their retreat and was brought down by a baboon. 

Namfoodle managed to finish off the hobgoblins with magic missiles and the baboons were quickly defeated. Unfortunately, this was too late for both Glimmer and Bait.

Namfoodle and Rurik were left wondering what to do next.

DM notes: this was a rather brutal session. Unfortunately, for Bait I rolled 3 crits and a couple of 18s in one turn against him (plus the baboons had made their saves against sanctuary). After that things rather went downhill…

I had offered to run a one-off Call of Cthulhu scenario that would probably been less deadly than this was.

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