Saturday, 28 December 2024

NDT session 22: Xitiqa you and I know How the heartaches come and they go

 Ext. The vicinity of Xitaqa.

Rurik and Namfoodle retreated back to camp to luck their wounds and decide what to do next. There they found Sbske in conversation with a young Human woman and a Halfling man.

The irritating woman said her name was Rosie and she was looking for her mother, who was the Halfling’s wife. The halfling was a veteran fighter named Ham.

The group decided to rest up before heading back to the ruins. The night was uneventful apart from some growling nearby and the group headed off towards the tower.

Approaching the tower, the group came under fire by a small band of hobgoblins. This annoyed Rosie who charged towards them and turned into an angry bear.

Rosie-Bear, Ham and Rurik made short work of the hobgoblins but were then attacked by another winter wolf that emerged from the tower. It’s icy-breath caused some damage to the pcs (mainly Snake) but was wilfully put down.

The group rested up in a nearby empty building before entering the tower from a side entrance. Inside they found a dusty library full of old scrolls and a giant spider. Rosie turned into a spider as well and proceeded to win the duel of the spiders.

Ham then blundered into the spiders nest which was the home of its mate who attacked, protecting her young. Ham killed it with one might blow of his great-sword - the magical one they had obtained from Vlack.

Within the nest were many little spiders and a scroll case containing a comprehend languages spell.

DM notes: the  creature passing in the night was a wandering mountain lion, which I decided wasn’t suicidal. Rosie is a Barbarian-Druid and Ham is a champion Fighter. 

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NDT Session 32: Temple of Boom

 Ext. Lost valley of Hutaaka The party decided they couldn’t trust either the Traldar or the Hutaakans so spent the night travelling back to...