Saturday, 11 January 2025

NDT session 24: Golthar? More like Fallfar!

 The tower of Xitaqa

The fight continued. Rosie the bear smashed another painting, spotting a yellow-robed sorcerer hiding in the walls. As the statues were defeated the sorcerer tried to flee upstairs pursued by bear.

The group followed along so the sorcerer cast fly and attempted to flee the tower by blowing out a hole in the wall.

Unfortunately, for him, before he could make his escape Namfoodle’s magic missiles disrupted the man’s concentration and he landed on a ledge before feather falling to the ground.

Rosie recklessly dove off the tower, landing on the mage. The others attempted to engage from the ledge but were attacked by giant bats. Rurik attempted to climb down in ape form but damage from a bat caused him to return to dwarf form hanging precariously to the masonry. 

Namfoodle ran downstairs, the fasted gnome in the country. Aengus shot down a couple bats as Ham kept missing. Rosie swiftly killed the mage before the bats forced her back into human form. She eventually killed them as well. 

Regrouping at the top of the tower they could inspect the mage’s room. Stephan said he was called Golthar and was seeking a tapestry, possibly one of the ones at Sukiskyn. Golther’s room revealed him to be a man of poor taste but he did have several treasures including a needle and thread and an ancient scroll referring to a tapestry being a map to a hidden location.

DM notes: yeah… poor Golthar, I tried to save him without cheating but failed. Now to see what the party want to do next…

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