Saturday, 25 January 2025

NDT Session 26: All buy by elves.

 The wilderness north of Kelvin

The party quickly defeated the remaining hobgoblins and released the horses and prisoners. The prisoners were mostly people who had been captured at various homesteads plus a few goblins (who ran off as quick as possible). Included amongst them was a young woman who had been captured along with Babushka (who had been left at the wolf skull lair). The ex-prisoners decided to return to Sukiskyn to start rebuilding their lives, Loshad allowed them to ride the freed horses.

The next day the party encountered a merchant caravan, the lead merchant Akihitos fleeced them by selling the some information which was largely useless but included the titbit that a red-robed mage and a dark-haired woman were looking for them.

That night they stayed at a very expensive inn run by some gnomes who operated a ferry across another river. A small group of shady characters left with undue haste when the characters entered the inn. 

The next day they finally reached Rifflian, crossing yet another river, The Windrush. The elves were keen customers for the white horses and the party could finally complete the quest given to them many weeks earlier. But they now had other fish to fry - journeying to the north.

At the local inn, the proprietor, a half lung called Stubbs Platterman, seemed to be friendly with Stephan and mentioned a dark-haired woman had been asking after the party members.

The next day Tara’s left the party to take Pyotr’s share of the profits back to Sukiskyn. Stephan and the party then caught a ferry heading upriver to the frontier town of Threshold. The 2-day journey was largely uneventful but overnight Aengus heard some loud honking which disturbed some of the party and the next day a flying carpet was spotted bearing a red-robed figure northwards.

Late in the afternoon, the party arrived at Threshold - the end of the line for boat travel upriver. A guard seargent (Athos) met the boat and made them aware of certain local bylaws. 

So will the party spend much time in town? Get sidetracked by some side-quests? Or head to the mountains post-haste? 

DM notes: As the party have completed their original task I thought they could level up. They’ll also have the opportunity to do some shopping.

The original module mentioned that Babushka was captured along with a young woman but no indication is given of her fate so I thought I’d tie up that loose end for my sake.

I also ignored the attack on the boat because… well… it’s just too like in all the old fantasy novels where in the first book the hero is told he has to travel in a caravan for safety and it then gets wiped out by bandits and he then spends the next 2 and a half books travelling by himself and never meets any more bandits.

As for next time I have some ideas… we’ll see what catches their fancy.

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