Sunday, 4 February 2024

Mystara musings (Part 1?)

So my introduction to Mystara, or The Known World as it was then know, was in 1986 when I got the Dark Blue Expert box Set for my 11th birthday.

Of course, the most exciting thing about that set is not the rule book but the supplied module - The Isle of Dread. This was the second version with the Orange cover and a picture of some guys in the sea fighting a flipping T-Rex! Which was obviously really cool if you are 11. Dragons? Pfff.

"Those T-Rex look so stupid with their tiny arms... There's one right behind me, isn't there?"

So back to the Expert Rule book, well there wasn't much about the Known world in there. A bit about The Grand Duchy of Karameikos and a bit more about the small town of Threshold and that was it.

There was more info about The Known World in The Isle of Dread - a very brief description of each country and that was it. The Known World was our oyster.

And so it stayed for the next couple of years - there was dribs and drabs of info in various adventure modules and a world map in the Master Set. I think there was more in the Immortal Set but I never owned that.

A then came the Gazetteers. 

But next up - I'm going to think about monsters. Possibly.

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