Tuesday, 6 February 2024

so.. monsters then

What would D&D be without monsters? Well it would be called "Dungeons and" for starters but anyway...

Which monster is the best: obviously it's the Owlbear.

But which is the worst? Well there's one in my Rules Cyclopedia called a Revener which looks like an undead but isn't, is hard to hit and takes load of damage and if it hits you... you lose one of your senses. Apparently, if elves (and only elves) lose their sense of touch they can no longer find secret doors.

However, there are many other terrible monsters, particularly in the Fiend Folio.

Sea Bishop - sadly not a D&D monster
The Sea Bishop sadly not statted for D&D

So Basic D&D had some monsters that don't appear in other editions. I (like Bargle and the Hutaakans) am quite fond of Living Statues - a sort of cut-price golem with odd abilities. I'm not sure why we need Giant Ferrets and Giant Weasels (but also why we don't get Giant Stoats, Pine Martins or Polecats). So my plan is to convert some of these for 5e instead of just picking something similar.

I may even stat up a Sea Bishop.

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