Saturday 31 August 2024

NDT session 7: Blood on the tracks

Sukiskyn, Dymrak forest

From questions the refugees and Droop the goblin it seemed that a number of lumber camps and homesteads had been attacked by goblins over the past few days. It seems they had been under the leadership of a hobgoblin called Vlack who kept vampire bats.

Despite the morose situation, Pyotr’s clan held a feast to celebrate the victory over the goblins, the return of the horses and also to welcome the visitors to the homestead. Glimmer played a tune on a hunting horn but the residents were more entertained by Rurik’s hilarious dancing and Aimiir’s failed magic tricks.

A morose and slightly worse-for-wear Pyotr ask the PCs to try and rescue his brother from the wolf-skull goblins offering the party half of the proceeds from the sale of the horses if they succeeded. The refugee Gregor, former lumber camp boss, also asked they the check up on Kalanos the (former) boat captain who was last seen at the camp hiding from the goblins several days ago.

The next day, a surprisingly not hungover party left the homestead to investigate other goblin attack sites to the north. They passed by one destroyed homestead where no clues or survivors were found before heading into the lumber camp. Another scene of destruction was found and standing amongst the corpses was Kalanos. He ran off screaming into the woods not responding to the party’s shouts. Fearing for his health they followed but he attacked them. The party subdued him and determined he seemed to be suffering some form of PTSD so resolved to return him to Sukiskyn where the clerics might be able to cure him. First they investigated another lumber camp which had also been destroyed before returning to Sukiskyn. 

As the last known sighting of the Wolf-skulls was at the site of their battle with the Vipers so the party headed there the next day. However, on the way they met a band of refugees from another homestead. It seemed that the busy goblins had attacked there after defeating the Vipers so the party diverted to that location. 

The party picked up the tracks of the goblins at the homestead and were led on a bit of a goose chase through the forest. At the end of the day they spotted a group of vampire bats approaching.

GM notes: I’ve lost track of the date in the game already, I’ll update when I’ve done a count-back.

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