Saturday 24 August 2024

NDT session 6: The tender hearted goblin and the snake

 Thaumont 9th, Sukiskyn, Dymrak forest

The party awoke soon after dawn to find Pyotr and Taras in conversation. It was agreed that the party, accompanied by Taras should track down the Viper clan goblins who had  stolen the white horses.

The tracks of the horses leading away from the homestead were obvious but the party noticed that there were some wolf tracks heading in that direction as well. Snake also saw a few Hobgoblin tracks in the woods although the party had not encountered any thus far.

The party followed the tracks of the horses for a number of miles before they came to a large clearing where a battle seemed to have happened. They just had time to take in the dead goblins and horses when some scavenging beetles decided to attack them.

The party defeated the beetles easily but during the battle a goblin jumped out of a tree as if to escape. Snake called out to it, and the goblin was fascinated at meeting a snake lady so went to talk to her. 

The party determined that some of the viper clan had escaped with 24 of the horses, the rest were dead. The goblin, Droop, said she had hidden in the tree when the Wolf Skull goblins had attacked the Vipers to punish them from running from the siege. The viper’s king had been killed along with many others in her tribe. Then the wolf-skulls had ridden off and the beetles arrived just after.

Droop said that the remaining Vipers were going to a horse lady to sell the horses. The party took her along as they went to meet this trader.

Late in the day they arrived at Fyodorll the half-elf horse-trader’s camp. She had a corral where the white horses were now safely ensconced. There were no goblins (apart from Droop). After some negotiations, it was agreed that the party would retrieve the money she had paid the goblins (50gp each she claimed) and then they could have the horses back. The party rested up to head to the goblin lair the next day.

Thaumont 10, Dymrak forest

It took most of the day to reach the viper goblin lair. At first it seemed deserted but it seemed the tribe had retreated further into the caves to a more defensive position as they were still scared of the Wolf Skulls. The goblins were impressed by the Snake-Lady and some fast talking/threats from Aimiir, so eventually it was agreed that the party could have the money back (only 360gp- 15gp each horse). Droop would accompany the party while Snake stayed with the goblins for a while as a sign of good faith.

Thaumont 11th

The party returned to the horse trader, who was persuaded to accept the 360pg she had actually paid for the return of the horses.

Thaumont 12th

The party returned to Sukiskyn with the surviving horses. In the meantime, 4 men had arrived, refugees from the lumber camp upriver which it turned out had been attacked the night before Sukiskyn had. They said that Stephan, Pyotr’s brother had been at the camp and been captured along with some others, including some of the crew of the boat that had brought the party upriver. The captain of the boat Kalanos had hidden in a tree but had not been seen since.

Meanwhile, Pyotr and his family started to prepare a feast to welcome the party properly and thank them for their aid so far.

DM’s notes: I decided to change the horse trader part because as written it’s a bit crap. I thought it would be funny to have the Viper goblins treat Snake the Yuan-ti as a hero. Also, Snake’s player won’t be available for a bit so it was handy to have an excuse for her not to be there for a few days.

I’m not entirely sure where the party will go next as they have a number of options.

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NDT Session 13: I pity the thouls

  Wolfskull lair The fight continued. The goblin king hacked at Rurik’s giant snake form causing him to revert to his usual dwarfish self an...