Sunday 11 August 2024

NDT session 5 Hide and seek

 After a unplanned long break…

Thaumont 8th, not long after midnight, Sukiskyn

(Aimiir, Glimmer, Rurik and Aengus and were the active characters this week)

After the excitement of the battle the previous session, Darya noticed that her youngest son Matvey had disappeared. He could not be found in the main building but a search revealed that the back door had been left unbarred.

The party members were worried that goblins had broken in so went into the courtyard behind the house to look for clues. Glimmer noticed some fresh child footprints heading either to the stable or forge.

The party decided to check the forge while Aimiir guarded the back door. Glimmer did not spot any signs of him in there but something seemed a bit odd to Aengus.

It was only when Rurik suggested looking in the stables that they realised that there were no sounds from the horses who had been making noises off and on all night.

It seemed that Matvey had decided to go and calm the horses… and also see a goblin if he could. The party returned him to his mother who then proceeded to spend the next two hours berating him for his stupidity.

Some time later, the party heard what sounded like a woman screaming in the forest. They spotted a figure in a yellow dress being dragged off by goblins. Pyotr declared it was just a goblin trick but Darya was upset as she has a friend who has a yellow dress.

Aimiir, who had been itching to take the fight to the goblins, decided to lead the party in a rescue mission. With the aid of a fog cloud they reached the forest but were surrounded by red-blade goblins. The fight was going badly, Glimmer was knocked unconscious and the others decided to retreat. Except for the wounded Aimiir who decided to challenge the goblin king to a duel, which the proud goblin accepted. The fight lasted a while before Aimiur emerged triumphant and the rest of the goblins fled.

A brief search revealed no sign of a woman, just a discarded dirty yellow dress that had most likely been stolen. Pyotr gave the party a ‘told you so’ look but was also impressed. Irina healed Glimmer and the party rested.

The wolf skull goblins also decided to make an early exit (after the casualties they suffered the previous session) so the party slept until dawn…

DM notes: this was a tricky session for me as there was little guidance in the module for what happens if the party falls for the decoy. The party were a bit foolhardy but were also plagued by bad rolls for them and good rolls for the goblins so were in real danger of a TPK. I had already decided that the goblins would capture the party by preference but I wasn’t sure how to progress things after. Possibly run Treasure Hunt or the slaver modules. Or maybe dump them on the Isle of Dread.

Luckily, the Red-Blades are to be a proud tribe of warriors so the king had no real choice but accept the challenge. Even then the battle had more misses than I’ve seen since I last played WFRP. I’m slightly sad I didn’t get to run the concluding battle of the siege but it was good fun and the players seemed happy with the conclusion.

They’ll be a short break before the next session so it’s quite good we can start a new phase and not be in the middle of a battle.

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