Saturday, 2 November 2024

NDT session 15: Too Ghoul For School

Ancient tombs, Wulfwolde Hills, Eastern Karameikos.

Present: Bait, Glimmer, Rurik, Snake

We left the group battling the last remaining shadow on the dark mound but it was quickly dispatched. After a quick rest to (literally) restore their strength the group headed into the tomb. 

A passage led downwards, its walls adorned with frescoes of people with jackal masks. At the bottom was a chamber containing a crystal coffin with a desiccated body holding a jewelled mace. The ever-eager Glimmer opened the coffin whilst Snake studied the frescoes. 

Somewhat predictably the body rose up and tried to attack Glimmer but was quickly dispatched back into the coffin. Glimmer grabbed the mace, closed the coffin up again and after a brief search finding nothing of interest, the party went to leave the tomb.

At that point, the frescoe Snake was examining came crashing down and a hideous undead ghoul emerged. It mauled Snake and paralysed her but the other PC’s quickly dealt with it despite its terrifying appearance.

The party somewhat warily head the the next tomb along. When they crossed the boundary of the scorched earth they found the recent remnants of a terrible battle with many dead bodies. Stepping over these, they entered this tomb. Within the tomb were many bones and broken weapons and from a chamber further in two undead figures appeared. They appeared to be the animated corpses of Elven warriors holding glowing balls  of light.

Rurik had heard of these creatures - Wyrds and tried to entangle them. Despite being slowed down they were able to throw the.maficsl spheres causing much damage. 

The fight was tough, Bait was briefly knocked unconscious before being revived by snake. However, with the use of several spells and magic arrows they were finally defeated. the party found some treasure and decided to return to camp to rest before investigating the final tomb.

DM’s notes: I found a 5e conversion document by someone called G.M. on Vaults of Pandius  which I used for the stats of the Wyrds. They proved to be a good tough fight so I’ll probably be using it for other monsters later on.

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