Saturday, 9 November 2024

NDT session 16: A horse called horse

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Loshad

Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
He's always on a steady course.Talk to Loshad 

Wulfwolde Hills

The party made their way to the 3rd tomb. This seemed to be a well kept tomb on a lush green hill.

However, once inside the party found a pile of recent skeletons and the door to the tomb slammed shut. After looting the bodies the party found a secret door leading to a rough cavern. A figure emerge from the wall morphing into a hostile living statue of a man with a Jackal head. Bait managed to keep it distracted and it was defeated without much bother to the party. Another secret exit led the party back outside so they went to camp for the night.

A Living Statue about to be killed by some PCs

Glimmer again performed the one leg, whistling under the moon ritual so the next morning the party heard thundering hooves and what appeared to be a centaur appeared accompanied by 3 stallions. This was Loshad, the Horse-Lord. He warmly greets the party’s horses before begrudgingly addressing the ‘pedestrians’. 

Loshad told the party the location of Xitaqa across the river but said they would have to perform a task for him on the way. A strange beast had apparently taken residence at the ford and was upsetting the wild horses. The party were to kill it or drive it away. Bait was disappointed because he had heard whore-sword instead of horse Lord but maybe the party were finally going to be able to find Stephan.

Unfortunately, Xitaqa was the opposite direction to the gnome mine but the party decided it was time to aid Namfoodle and Aengus’s clansmen in their struggle against some orcs

On arriving at the mine it was apparent the situation had worsened. The gnome and dwarf miners had found a  cavern sealed off by a wall of stalagmites and stalactites  but could see a fabulous looking necklace beyond. They had broken through and retrieved the necklace but after that dwarves and one of the gnomes had started going missing from the mine. Some kind of spiders seemed to be the culprits. However, on the plus side the orcs had seemed to have retreated.

The party agreed to help and headed into the caves. They could occasionally hear skittering noises. After dodging a few hazards they found a paralysed orc wrapped in webs. They unwrapped the orc and took it back to the dwarves to guard so they could question it when it woke up. 

The party resumed exploring until they found a chamber containing silver statuettes. Again these depicted people with jackal heads…

To be continued…

DM notes: some of you may have noticed I will be going off script soon… stay tuned for some stupidity.

Oh yes. I accidentally found out via google what Loshad means in Russian. And for the any amongst you who are thinking that Loshad is not a horse, well… he isn’t actually a centaur.

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